Let me preface this review by saying I am no Roger Ebert. Like they say, “opinions are like assholes, everyone has one”. I am hyper aware of the negativity that plagues social media and the internet in general, and I’m tired of that shit. My intent with this review, as well as my future reviews, will be to convey my impressions of the subject and hopefully remind you that these things are being made by people who have put numerous hours and years into these projects with the hope to entertain. If you’re looking for another talentless schlub sitting behind a keyboard to force their opinion on you look elsewhere. This talentless schlub just wants to initiate a positive conversation about the things he enjoys.
The other night I had the opportunity to see the newest installment in the Alien franchise, and as the credits began to roll all I could say was, “HOLY SHIT!”.
I fully believe that there isn’t a movie in the Alien franchise that is worth skipping. The original Alien movie was probably one of the first “horror” movies I watched at a pretty impressionable age, and has always been kind of the gold standard of the scifi/horror genre. The sequel Aliens is probably one of the best sequels in any genre ever made. I will acknowledge that the next couple of installments were not quite as iconic, but if you love campy sci-fi as much as I do, they’re fun as hell. Prometheus and Alien Covenant were kind of like the Star Wars prequels for me. They were by no means perfect, but they helped build a richer, more fleshed out universe.
Alien Romulus is the perfect amalgamation of all of the previous movies without feeling like the little brother trying to live up to his older brother’s reputation. If you are unaware where this film falls in the timeline, it takes place about 20 years after the original and 30 years before Aliens. I hate spoilers so I’m not going to go too into detail, but this movie covers all of the bases you’d expect an Alien movie to and pushes the bar even further. Questions from past installments are answered, but you’re still left wanting more in the end.
I hate being so vague, but I want you to be just as surprised as I was. This movie is beautifully shot with the perfect mix of practical effects and CGI. Are all of the CGI shots perfect? No. Do they take away from the story or diminish the artistic achievements? Absolutely not! Keep in mind some of the crazier shots in Alien3 or Alien: Ressurection. These effects are still light years better than those. As far as the practical effects go they build on the gruesomeness of the chestbursters in new ways and there are some effects that will make you audibly say, “WHAT THE FUCK?!” (Something my wife yelled multiple times)
If you’ve read other reviews or watched people on social media discuss anything about this movie ignore all of it. Go in with
an open mind and remember this is all for entertainment. If you go in with an open mind, and maybe an edible, you will have a hell of a time!
Image Sources a credited to: 20th Century Studios